As many of you know, for the last 9 months Morgan has refused to take a bottle, going on hunger strikes while I was away. We've never been able to leave her over night or for more than 4-5 hours because she'll starve herself! Yesterday she was extremely fussy, nothing made her happy--she didn't even want to nurse! So, I decided to pump and try and give her a bottle, well she took it without a problem. She drank 5 oz. and then I gave her 4 more ounces of formula and she took it too! This morning she's taken the bottle and showed interest in the sippy cup and now she's on the sippy cup! Morgan never ceases to amaze me! I guess she like everything else she does, she likes to do things when she wants to and not when I want her to!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Morgan takes a bottle and a sippy cup!
As many of you know, for the last 9 months Morgan has refused to take a bottle, going on hunger strikes while I was away. We've never been able to leave her over night or for more than 4-5 hours because she'll starve herself! Yesterday she was extremely fussy, nothing made her happy--she didn't even want to nurse! So, I decided to pump and try and give her a bottle, well she took it without a problem. She drank 5 oz. and then I gave her 4 more ounces of formula and she took it too! This morning she's taken the bottle and showed interest in the sippy cup and now she's on the sippy cup! Morgan never ceases to amaze me! I guess she like everything else she does, she likes to do things when she wants to and not when I want her to!
Pumpkin Patch Take Two
We decided to take the girls to the pumpkin patch again since they were not really dressed in seasonal clothes last time--we got a couple of cute shots but Lauren was not really too thrilled about posing for the camera or being photographed. They wore matching shirts that said "Daddy's Little Pumpkin". Here are some shots that we got--hopefully Lauren will stop being so camera shy soon!
Swing Set
The girls got an early Christmas gift from Aunt Michelle this year! Daddy and Uncle Bobby Joe worked really hard getting it all put together and you should have seen how excited and happy Lauren was once it was all done! She's really enjoying the swings and the slide! Mommy just needs to go get a baby swing for Morgan so that she can enjoy swinging too! Thanks Aunt Michelle!
Halloween Party
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
And She's Off...
Morgan has really taken off the last couple of days--she's walking so much more! Her new favorite thing this week is climbing up the stairs...yes, you read that right. We turned around this evening for one minute and she was halfway up the stairs!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Morgan is 9 months old
Morgan is 9 months old now--how time flies!
She went to the doctor today for her 9 month visit and got a flu shot and boy did she cry! She's 17 lbs. 13 oz. and that puts her in the 25th percentile for weight and she 29" long and that puts her in the 86th percentile for height! She's defenitely small compared to Lauren at this age!
She's still not taking a bottle--and we gave up on baby food a long time ago! All she eats is table food when she's in the mood to eat! :-) She's very, very busy and always on the go! She's cruising and letting go and taking steps by herself. She can take about 6 or 7 steps alone but she still prefers to crawl to get there faster! Dr. Cohen says once they can take 5 steps alone that is considered walking but I think we still have a week or so more before she's exclusively walking! She has her two bottom teeth and I think she's cutting a few more!
Her new favorite thing is bathtime--she loves the water! She's constantly crawling into the bathroom and playing with the toys in the bathtub.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Pumpkin Patch with Abuela
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Morgan's almost Walking
Morgan has been practicing something new this week--she's almost walking! She'll take off and then fall, but she's almost there! Check out the little video clip!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Dewberry Farms
Friday, October 3, 2008
I love carrots!
Morgan is eating more and more! We've found that the key to getting her to eat is letting her feed herself--although it's quite a mess, we have given in! Here are some pictures of her eating carrots and enjoying them! Notice the nice mess that she has made! Some of her other favorite finger foods are turkey, chicken, cheese puffs, diced peaches, and mandarin oranges!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Making Cupcakes with Mommy!!
We went to Target today and normally Lauren would ask for M & M's but today she wanted cupcakes instead. She got the cupcake mix (got it off the shelf herself) and then we went to pick out frosting and of course she wanted PINK with sprinkles! After lunch today (while Morgan was napping)we decided to bake the cupcakes because that is all she was talking about! Here are some pictures...
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