Morgan is 9 months old now--how time flies!
She went to the doctor today for her 9 month visit and got a flu shot and boy did she cry! She's 17 lbs. 13 oz. and that puts her in the 25th percentile for weight and she 29" long and that puts her in the 86th percentile for height! She's defenitely small compared to Lauren at this age!
She's still not taking a bottle--and we gave up on baby food a long time ago! All she eats is table food when she's in the mood to eat! :-) She's very, very busy and always on the go! She's cruising and letting go and taking steps by herself. She can take about 6 or 7 steps alone but she still prefers to crawl to get there faster! Dr. Cohen says once they can take 5 steps alone that is considered walking but I think we still have a week or so more before she's exclusively walking! She has her two bottom teeth and I think she's cutting a few more!
Her new favorite thing is bathtime--she loves the water! She's constantly crawling into the bathroom and playing with the toys in the bathtub.
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