Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Girls are Growing Up...

Hope everyone is doing well and made it through Hurricane Ike! We were very lucky and didn't have much damage...the worst part was having no electricity for 4 1/2 days but we made it through!

Morgan is 8 months old now! She's crawling everywhere and getting into everything. She's standing up on everything and cruising and she enjoys her push toys! Her new thing is to stand up and let go--she wants to walk so badly! Morgan is eating more too...she has never really liked baby food--so we are giving her table food instead! Her new favorites are mango, mashed potatoes, bread, guacamole, and waffles!!

Lauren is 2 1/2 now and started school a couple of weeks ago and really likes it! She's going twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday. The last time I dropped her off, she told me to leave and have a good day! She's enjoying playing with her friends there and getting out of the house! When her daddy asked her what she did at school the second day, she quickly told him she learned about apples and played! She's looking forward to going back this week since she was out all last week due to Ike!

Both girls are growing up so quickly! They enjoy playing with each other--Lauren cooks in her kitchen and feeds Morgan!

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